About Us

We are alumni of military, law enforcement, and governmental intelligence agencies specializing in counter-terrorism and cyber-security. With training and knowledge attained from missions and tenure serving both domestically and abroad, we have the practical tools and proven methodologies to ensure complete detection and removal of all eavesdropping/ recording devices, GPS tracking transmitters, covert cameras, and any other monitoring devices or surveillance technologies.

Our stealth legion of professionals has always operated in situations of extreme duress and is accustomed to stressful and time-sensitive scenarios. We bring you the knowledge, execution, and experience amassed from decades of training and implementation of counter-surveillance protocols and tactics.

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We are alumni of military, law enforcement and governmental intelligence agencies specializing in counter terrorism and cyber-security.

Critical times and momentous events are susceptible to sabotage and require discreet professionals with the proper skill set to unveil unscrupulous activity.